Privacy Policy

Privacy Statement

At Everyday Hygge, we prioritize the privacy of our visitors. This Privacy Statement details the data we gather and its utilization.

If you need more information or have any questions regarding our Privacy Policy, please feel free to contact us by email at

GDPR Compliance

Everyday Hygge is committed to adhering to the GDPR, an extensive data protection regulation which came into effect on May 25, 2018. This law bolsters the protection of personal data for individuals within the European Union (EU).

For further insights on GDPR, refer to the official GDPR site:

CCPA Adherence

We are committed to aligning with the CCPA. This privacy statute, which began on January 1, 2020, provides certain rights to residents of California about their personal data.

For in-depth details about the CCPA, navigate to the official CCPA webpage:

Monitoring Web Activity via Log Files

Everyday Hygge employs log files to record the activities of visitors on our platform. This encompasses IP addresses, browser specifications, timestamps, and source URLs. Such practice is customary.

Our web hosting service ensures the erasure of these log files post a 21-day retention period. These files are devoid of any personal identification data.

The gathered data serves multiple objectives, such as trend assessment, website management, tracing user patterns on the platform, and collating demographic insights.

Google Analytics

Our platform incorporates Google Analytics, a web analysis tool provided by Google to oversee and generate reports on website visitor behavior. This assists in understanding user engagement with our platform.

For clarity on Google Analytics and its cookie practices, please refer to the official Google Analytics page:

We have activated IP anonymization within Google Analytics to be in line with GDPR guidelines. This technique truncates the last section of the IP address before Google’s data processing and storage, ensuring individual users remain unidentifiable.

Google AdSense

We feature advertisements from Google AdSense, a Google-run initiative. This facilitates publishers within the Google Network to display ads – be it text, images, videos, or interactive media – suited to both content and audience of a site.

For comprehensive details on Google AdSense, navigate to the official Google AdSense page:

Affiliate Partnership Disclosure

Amazon Affiliates

Everyday Hygge participates in the Amazon Associates initiative. It’s an affiliate strategy that offers website proprietors an avenue to earn by directing users to and related platforms. Commissions may be earned if a purchase follows a click on our Amazon-affiliated links.

For more about the Amazon Associates scheme, explore the official site:

User Agreement

By persisting in the use of our platform, you express your consent to our Privacy Statement and its associated terms.